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  • Writer's pictureKimber McCalla


Updated: Jun 2, 2020

The importance of having a safe place in today's world.


Creating a SAFE Space

The concept of SLAY is something that I had never really considered before. Kiera, the main character in the story, is a gamer. She loves the worldwide communities that are created through online gaming, but she has also experienced prejudice and racism in the online forums. And that is something I never thought about before. That there would be people out there, spewing hate in an online GAMING community. I am totally aware that there are hate groups and everything else online, I just always thought video games were neutral places where everyone just left their racist bullshit at home. I don't know why it never occurred to me that the players in video games could be just as - if not more - racist online as they can be in the real world.

I am totally aware that there are hate groups and everything else online, I just always thought video games were neutral places where everyone just left their racist bullshit at home.

Kiera's answer to dealing with the online racists of the gaming world, is to create her own digital world. One where black people from all over the globe can log in and feel SAFE. Where they can be themselves and celebrate their cultures without worry of being attacked. It is inclusive for ALL black people, and it is a beautiful, extraordinary, SAFE place that she has created for the world.

And isn't that what everyone needs in today's social media driven world? A SAFE place where they can be themselves without fear of reprisals? A place where - no matter their age, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, or otherwise - they can go and express themselves and know that no one will come and attack them simply because of the color of their skin?

There is an unwritten rule in the game SLAY, one that all the players understand, and that rule is that they all treat each other fairly. That they respect the culture of the game, and therefore show respect to each other. That they are all Kings & Queens, and should therefore treat each other accordingly. It is a wondrous thing that Kiera has done; by creating this online community, she has created a world of acceptance.

Cultural Inclusion

Another aspect of SLAY is the cultural aspect. Kiera has created a game rooted in Black Culture from ALL over the world. It is not just American culture. There are pieces of the game from EVERY culture. Which means that every person playing - no matter where they are from - will find something in the game that they are familiar with, something that is real to them and means something to them.

By doing this, she has created a SAFE space for them all. A place where they see familiar things, hear familiar things, and know that they are able to be themselves. Where they can speak their truth and no one will come at them for it.

It is Not Always About You

Something that really struck me in SLAY, was when people began attacking the game, saying it was the definition of racist based on its membership policy. One of the white characters in the book expresses the thought about how they would be considered racist if they created a game for whites only, so why is it okay to create a blacks only video game? And Kiera's response is so simple, and yet it really stuck with me. She told him that its not always about him, that sometimes things are about something bigger.

So everybody listen, and please take this to heart - IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU.

And she's totally right. It is not always about you. Whenever you feel slighted in some way, or think that something isn't fair - take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and please take this to heart - IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU.

When she created SLAY, Kiera was not sitting there thinking about sticking it to the white man and making him taste his own racist vile. She was thinking about creating a world where she - and all the sisters and brothers out there like her - could feel SAFE. A place just for them where they wouldn't have to worry about racism and prejudices.

People need a place where they can feel accepted no matter who they are.

And that is what the novel SLAY is really about. Finding that space where you are SAFE, that place you can always go to and know you are accepted for who you are. It is about standing up for what is right in order to keep that place SAFE.

I HIGHLY recommend this book to EVERYONE. It is one that I truly believe could spark some in-depth conversations and hopefully bridge some of the gaps that seem to be growing wider and wider within our own country. It is one that I recommend to my students constantly, and that I hope to create a book club around in the upcoming school year.




Title: SLAY

Author: Brittney Morris

Publication Date: September 24, 2019

Publisher: Simon Pulse

ISBN: 9781534445420

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