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  • Writer's pictureKimber McCalla

Art & Persuasion

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

Using the graphic novel format to create a persuasive argument


In Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration the author, Economics professor Bryan Caplan, acts as the narrator, walking the reader through his argument for an open borders immigration policy. Admittedly, I am not an economics or immigration expert, but I found his argument in favor of the controversial immigration policy intriguing. The organization of the argument is easy to follow, the supporting claims are backed up with researched evidence, and the images used to create the story are entertaining AND insightful. When I finished reading the book I felt like I had a better understanding of both U.S. and world immigration policies.

Cross-curricular Connections

As a high school librarian and English teacher, I am always looking for texts that can be used in more than one curriculum and Open Borders is definitely one of those texts. I believe that it could be used as a cross-curricular text between English and Government/Economics or Human Geography courses. Caplan's argument is organized and follows the order of a persuasive text. Chapter 1 sets the arguable claim, Chapters 2-5 give supporting details, Chapters 6-7 present the counter-arguments and rebuttals, and Chapter 8 revisits the arguable claim and wraps up the conclusion.

As an economics professor, Caplan focuses his arguments on economic aspects of an open borders policy and its effects on citizens and governments. The majority of his argument is focused on immigration in the United States, so its policy analysis goes hand-in-hand with a U.S. government/economics course.

"Immigration laws don't merely allow discrimination, they require it."

Caplan also has experience with immigration on a personal level, as his wife is an immigrant. He uses her journey as an example of the positive aspects of immigration. He uses pathos appeals throughout his argument, placing provocative statements meant to evoke emotional responses within his logical and ethical appeals.

The ART of Persuasion

Illustrator Zach Weinersmith brings Caplan's argument to life with boldly colored images and details. Considering the level of the technical vocabulary used (lots of economics and immigration terms), the artwork helps to create understanding for the reader. Weinersmith creates another dimension to the appeals being used in Caplan's argument with his choice of illustrations.

The graphic novel format could also be used as an example for an Art course. The coloring and shading used, the images designed to create a sense of the absurd (unicorns, a running sphinx), and the pop culture allusions (Jedi's and Sesame Street to name a few) that readers will relate to help to bring the argument to life. It is an excellent example of visual storytelling.

Appealing to the Masses (a.k.a. students)

I found Open Borders appealing as an instructional text on both immigration AND persuasion. Its formatting will appeal to students, and it has the opportunity to snag the interest of students who would not normally be inclined to read a 200+ page book on immigration policy. The entertainment value of the graphic novel format helps increase the interest level of the information being presented, and anyone who is in education today knows that entertainment value is half the battle when it comes to keeping students' interests peaked.



Title: Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration

Author: Bryan Caplan

Illustrator: Zach Weinersmith

Publication Date: October 29, 2019

Publisher: First Second

ISBN: 9781250316974

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